
New Hope EPC's Adult Sunday School is a group gathering where various members come together to read, discuss, and grow in the teachings of some of the most influential biblical scholars and respected theologians. Each week, we engage deeply, chapter by chapter, with thought-provoking books that explore foundational truths of Scripture, theology, and Christian living. But beyond the study, our class places a strong emphasis on fellowship. Through rich, open discussions, we sharpen one another’s understanding of God’s Word, challenge each other to grow in our faith, and encourage one another in our walk with Christ.

What We Offer:

  • A time to gather with other adults and parents on Sunday mornings while the kids are being taught in their respective classes
  • A book study that challenges its readers and provides room for discussion
  • A class hosted by one of our elders to ensure timeliness and good conversation
  • An encouraging space for new and old believers to meet together

Current Program Details:

  • Adult Sunday School meets each week at 9:30 AM before our worship service 
  • We go chapter-by-chapter through a book on Christian living or theology
  • The main emphasis of the class is on discussion and practical applications
  • We are always looking for more opportunities to engage with our adult crowd